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Two species ( nov. comb. and cf. ), respectively isolated from soil north-west of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and freshwater in Shanghai, eastern China, were investigated using standard methods. The species Kahl, 1931 is reclassified here in the genus and was characterized mainly by constantly showing 16 somatic kineties, three post-oral kineties with the middle one shortened, a contractile vacuole located subcaudally with an excretory pore near the posterior end of somatic kinety 2 and single caudal cilia. A -like organism having a subcaudally located contractile vacuole and fewer somatic kineties was designated cf. The small-subunit rRNA gene (SSU rDNA) sequences of these two species were characterized and their phylogenetic positions based on SSU rDNA sequences were revealed by means of Bayesian inference and maximum-likelihood analysis. Phylogenetic analyses confirmed as a monophyletic genus and supported its assignment to the order Loxocephalida. However, its family assignment remains unsupported.

This study was supported by the:
  • Natural Science Foundation of China (Award 31201708)

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