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A Gram-staining-negative, strictly aerobic, non-motile, rod-shaped and flexirubin-type-pigmented strain, THG C4-1, was isolated from green tea leaves in Jangheung-gun, Republic of Korea. Strain THG C4-1 grew well at 20–30 °C, at pH 7.0–7.5 and in the absence of NaCl on nutrient agar. Based on 16S rRNA gene sequence comparisons, strain THG C4-1 was most closely related to Soil-3-27 (97.7 %), RHA2-9 (97.2 %), P 461/12 (97.2 %), THG 15 (97.1 %), PHA3-4 (97.0 %) and K105 (97.0 %), but DNA–DNA relatedness between strain THG C4-1 and its closest phylogenetic neighbours was below 21 %. The DNA G+C content was 41.7 mol%. The only isoprenoid quinone detected in strain THG C4-1 was menaquinone 6 (MK-6). The major component of the polyamine pattern was -homospermidine. The major polar lipids were phosphatidylethanolamine and unidentified aminolipids. The major fatty acids were iso-C, iso-C 3-OH and iso-Cω9. These data supported the affiliation of strain THG C4-1 to the genus . The results of physiological and biochemical tests enabled strain THG C4-1 to be differentiated genotypically and phenotypically from recognized species of the genus . Therefore, the novel isolate represents a novel species, for which the name sp. nov. is proposed, with THG C4-1 ( = KACC 16985 = JCM 18745) as the type strain.

This study was supported by the:
  • Kyung Hee University (Award 20120596)

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