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Two novel strains, THG-C26 and THG-C31, were characterized using a polyphasic approach to determine their taxonomic positions. These two isolates were aerobic, Gram-stain-positive, non-motile, non-spore-forming and rod-shaped. 16S rRNA gene sequences and phenotypic features including chemotaxonomic characteristics indicated that the two isolates clearly represented members of the genus . The quinone systems of strains THG-C26 and THG-C31 contained MK-12/MK-13 as major menaquinones. The diamino acid in cell-wall hydrolysates of the two strains was ornithine. The major fatty acids were iso-C, anteiso-C and anteiso-C. The polyamine pattern had spermidine as the predominant component. The major polar lipids were phosphatidylglycerol, diphosphatidylglycerol and unidentified glycolipids. Phenotypic characteristics supported the affiliation of strains THG-C26 and THG-C31 to the genus . Chemotaxonomic data and DNA–DNA relatedness values allowed differentiation of these strains from other species of the genus with validly published names. Strains THG-C26 and THG-C31 showed highest 16S rRNA gene sequence similarities with DMMZ 1710 (98.5 %) and IFO 15077 (98.8 %), respectively, and the 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity between them was 99.0 %. DNA–DNA hybridization values between the novel isolates and strains of other species of the genus with validly published names were 4–25 %. Therefore, strains THG-C26 and THG-C31 are considered to represent two novel species of the genus , for which the names sp. nov. [type strain THG-C26 ( = KACC 17124 = JCM 18735)] and sp. nov. [type strain THG-C31 ( = KACC 17123 = JCM 18734)] are proposed.

This study was supported by the:
  • Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Republic of Korea (Award 810006-03-3-SB130)

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