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A novel aerobic marine bacterium, strain AN44, was isolated from the coral sampled from the Andaman Sea, India. Cells were Gram-negative, motile and rod-shaped. Oxidase and catalase tests were positive. Heterotrophic growth was observed at pH 5.5–10 and at 16–42 °C, with optimum growth at pH 7–8 and 28 °C. Strain AN44 grew in the presence of 0.5–11 % (w/v) NaCl; the optimal NaCl concentration for growth was 3–5 %. The DNA G+C content was 47.8 mol%. Predominant cellular fatty acids of strain AN44 were Cω7, Cω7/Cω6, C, C 3-OH, C, C, C and C. The sole isoprenoid ubiquinone was Q-8. The polar lipids were an unidentified phospholipid, an unidentified aminophospholipid and two unidentified glycolipids. 16S rRNA gene sequence comparisons revealed that strain AN44 clustered within the radiation of the genus and showed similarity of 97.9 % with UST010306-043, 97.8 % with 11SM4, 97.1 % with R-40503 and 97.0 % with 8. However, DNA–DNA relatedness between strain AN44 and closely related type strains was well below 70 %. On the basis of the data from the present polyphasic taxonomic study, strain AN44 is considered to represent a novel species of the genus , for which the name sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is AN44 ( = JCM 18476 = LMG 27065).

This study was supported by the:
  • Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India (Award MoES/11-MRDF/1/59/P/08)
  • Department of Biotechnology, Government of India

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