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A Gram-reaction-negative, rod-shaped, non-motile, red-pigmented bacterium, designated strain GSR3061T, was isolated from a water sample of the Mangyung estuary enclosed by the Saemangeum Embankment in JEOLlabuk-do of South Korea, and characterized using a polyphasic approach. 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis of strain GSR3061T indicated that the isolate belonged to the phylum Bacteroidetes and exhibited similarity levels of 94.7 % to Rufibacter tibetensis NRRL B-51285T, 92.4 % to Adhaeribacter terreus KACC 14257T and 91.9 % to Pontibacter korlensis KACC 15371T. Growth was observed at 15–40 °C and pH 6.5–9.5. The major cellular fatty acids of the novel strain were summed feature 4 (comprising iso-C17 : 1 I and/or anteiso-C17 : 1 B), iso-C15 : 0, C17 : 1ω6c and iso-C16 : 1 H. Flexirubin-type pigments were absent. The DNA G+C content of strain GSR3061T was 44.9 mol% and the major quinone was MK-7. The polar lipid profile consisted mainly of phosphatidylethanolamine; three unidentified lipids, two unknown aminolipids, two unknown phospholipids, an unknown aminophospholipid and an unknown glycolipid were also present. On the basis of the evidence presented, it is concluded that strain GSR3061T represents a novel species of a new genus, for which the name Nibribacter koreensis gen. nov., sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain of Nibribacter koreensis is GSR3061T ( = KACC 16450T = JCM 17917T).
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