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The morphology and infraciliature of two novel marine scuticociliates, spec. nov. and spec. nov., collected from sandy beaches at Qingdao, China, were investigated using live observation and protargol-staining methods. spec. nov. is distinguished by the following characteristics: marine habitat and a slender to elongate oval body with pointed anterior end and rounded caudal end, about 25–50 µm long; buccal field about a quarter to a third of body length; nine or ten somatic kineties with dikinetids approximately in anterior half of body, monokinetids in posterior half; membranelles 1 and 2 almost equal in length and composed of two and three longitudinal rows of kinetids respectively; paroral membrane with zigzag structure extending anteriorly to middle portion of membranelle 2; contractile vacuole pore located at posterior end of somatic kinety 1. The genus is redefined as follows: marine form with an elongate-elliptical or inverted pear-shaped body; apical plate conspicuous; buccal field about two-thirds of body length, cytostome subequatorially located; oral apparatus -like; somatic kineties comprising a mixture of dikinetids and monokinetids. spec. nov. is recognized by having an elongate-elliptical body with truncated apical frontal plate, size about 25–35×15–20 µm, nine or ten somatic kineties, membranelle 1 consisting of two or three basal bodies, contractile vacuole pore at posterior end of somatic kinety 1. This study also compared the small-subunit rRNA gene sequences of these two species with other closely related species to show the sequence divergence, which ranged from 3.53 to 9.60 %. Phylogenetic analyses support the contention that the genus is monophyletic, while is non-monophyletic.

This study was supported by the:
  • Natural Science Foundation of China (Award 31272285 and 41176119)
  • Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowship within the 7th European Community Framework Programme (Award 909381)
  • Research Group Project from King Saud University Deanship of Scientific Research, Saudi Arabia (Award RGP-VPP-083)

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