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Oligotrich ciliates are common members of marine microplankton. However, their biodiversity is not well documented. In this study, the morphology and phylogenetic positions of three new oligotrich species, spec. nov., spec. nov. and spec. nov., collected from coastal habitats of southern China, were investigated. is characterized by the girdle kinety which encircles the cell twice as two dextrally oriented whorls with some undulations and by the presence of several macronuclear nodules. is recognized by the girdle kinety encircling the cell as two dextrally oriented whorls and extrusomes arranged in a stripe along the girdle kinety. differs from its congeners by the obconic body shape and the posterior portion of the girdle kinety extending downwards on the left ventral side to reach the posterior pole. In small-subunit rRNA gene trees, clusters with and , and is sister to the clade containing , and sp.

This study was supported by the:
  • Natural Science Foundation of China (Award 31172060, 31201696 and 31222050)
  • China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Award 2012M521376)
  • Special Program of China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Award 2013T60686)
  • International Research Coordination Network for Biodiversity of Ciliates (Award IRCN BC-311 1112 0437)
  • US National Science Foundation
  • National Natural Science Foundation of China
  • King Saud University Deanship of Scientific Research, Saudi Arabia (Award RGP-VPP-083)

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