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Three oligotrich ciliates, spec. nov., (Alekperov & Asadullayeva, 1997) Agatha, 2003 and (Anigstein, 1914) Song & Bradbury, 1998 were collected from the coastal waters of China and their morphology and small-subunit rRNA (SSU rRNA) gene sequences were studied. The novel species can be recognized by the combination of its obconical body shape, 14–16 anterior and 6–8 ventral membranelles, somatic kinety in three parts and conspicuously long dorsal cilia. Based on the data obtained for this novel species, an improved diagnosis of the genus is supplied. Descriptions of the population of and collected in this study are also provided and compared with the existing descriptions. In addition, the phylogenetic positions of these three species are inferred from their SSU rRNA gene sequence data. The results indicate that the genus , the systematics of which has not previously been discussed using molecular information, clusters with and , whereas and form a single clade.

This study was supported by the:
  • Natural Science Foundation of China (Award RGP-VPP-083, IRCN BC-311 1112 0437, 41206123, 41176118 and 31201696)
  • King Saud University Deanship of Scientific Research

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