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A novel psychrotolerant, Gram-negative, shiny white, curved-rod-shaped, facultatively anaerobic bacterium PB1 was isolated from a soil sample collected from a glacier forefield of the Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica. Isolate PB1 has catalase and low urease activity and hydrolyses gelatin and starch. Strain PB1 is able to grow between −5 °C and 30 °C with optimum growth at 14–20 °C. Glycerol, -arabinose, -xylose, -galactose, -fructose, -lyxose, -fucose and potassium gluconate are used as sole carbon sources. The major quinone is ubiquinone Q-8. The major fatty acids (>10 %) for PB1 are C (19.1 %), Cω7 (44.6 %) and Cω7 (16.2 %). The major polyamines are putrescine [54.9 µmol (g dry weight)] and 2-hydroxy putrescine [18.5 µmol (g dry weight)]. DNA G+C content is 62.5 mol%. Strain PB1 is phylogenetically related to species of the genus , with highest 16S rRNA gene sequence similarities to (97.3 %), (97.2 %), (97.2 %) and (97.0 %). The DNA–DNA relatedness values were below 30 % between PB1 and the type strains of , and . The different geographical origin of strain PB1 from its closest phylogenetic relatives resulted in different phenotypic and genotypic specifications, whereby strain PB represents a novel species of the genus , for which the name is proposed. The type strain is PB1 (DSM 26001 = LMG 27282).

This study was supported by the:
  • Norwegian Research Council (NFR) (Award #210923)
  • Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) (Award WA 1554/9)

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