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During diversity studies of the glacier forefields of the Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica, a novel psychrotolerant, non-motile Gram-negative, shiny yellow, rod-shaped, aerobic bacterium, designated strain PB4 was isolated from a soil sample. Strain PB4 produces indole from tryptophan and hydrolyses casein. It grows between 0 and 25 °C with an optimum growth temperature of 20 °C. A wide range of substrates are used as sole carbon sources and acid is produced from numerous carbohydrates. The major menaquinone is MK-6. Identified polar lipids are ethanolamines and ornithine lipids. Major fatty acids (>10 %) are iso-C (13.0 %) and iso-2OH-C (51.2 %). G+C content is 33.7 mol%. The polyamine pattern is composed of sym-homospermidine (25.1 µmol g dry weight), minor amounts of cadaverine (0.2 µmol g dry weight) and spermidine (0.4 µmol g dry weight) and traces of putrescine and spermine (<0.1 µmol g dry weight). Strain PB4 had highest 16S rRNA gene similarities with the type strains of (97.0 %) and (96.5 %). Considering phenotypic and genotypic characterization, strain PB4 represents a novel species in the genus (family ), for which the name sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is PB4 ( = DSM 26000 = LMG 27025).

This study was supported by the:
  • Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Award WA 1554/9)

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