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A marine bacterial strain, designated MD2, was isolated from the damaged tissue of a hydrocoral, , collected from the coral reef in the northern Red Sea, Gulf of Eilat, Israel. Strain MD2 was Gram-reaction-negative, rod-shaped and motile, and formed small, creamy and opaque colonies, 1–2 mm in diameter, after 3 days incubation on Marine agar at 30°C. The novel strain grew well in nutrient broth at 1.5–6 % NaCl and at 20–37°C. The major cellular fatty acids were iso-Cω9, iso-C, Cω7 and Cω6. The polar lipids consisted of phosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylethanolamine, an unidentified lipid, two unidentified phospholipids, two unidentified glycolipids and two unidentified aminolipids. Ubiquinone Q-10 was the only respiratory lipoquinone. The DNA G+C content was 60.3 mol%. Analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequence placed the organism in the α-subclass of the with a sequence divergence of about 9 % from any species with a validly published name. The highest 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity (approximately 91 %) was notably with type strains of members of the genus , 101-1 , S3-22 and GW14-5. On the basis of genotypic, chemotaxonomic and phenotypic distinctness, strain MD2 represents a novel species in a new genus of the class , for which the name gen. nov., sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain of the type species is MD2 ( = LMG 26586 = DSM 25217).

This study was supported by the:
  • ISF (Award 1169/07)

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