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A Gram-stain-negative, non-motile, facultatively anaerobic, acid-tolerant rod, designated strain DKE6, was isolated from an acidic biofilm (pH 2.5) harvested in the pyrite mine Drei Kronen und Ehrt in Germany. The isolate grew optimally at pH 5.5, between 25 and 30 °C and only with casein as the carbon and energy source; although a variety of sugars were tested as growth substrates, none supported growth of the isolate. During casein consumption, strain DKE6 produced ammonium, which led to an alkalinization of the medium. This is a possible strategy to raise the pH in the direct vicinity of the cell and hence modulate the pH towards the growth optimum. The predominant fatty acids (>5 %) were iso-C 3-OH, iso-C, iso-C and iso-Cω9. The DNA G+C content was 66.6 %. Strain DKE6 was not able to oxidize iron or thiosulfate. Iron reduction was detected. The isolate showed 93.3 % 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity to the most closely related cultivable strain, DS-123, but <93.2 % sequence similarity with other type strains of closely related type species of the . On the basis of physiological and biochemical data, the isolate is considered to represent a novel species of a new genus in the class , for which we propose the name gen. nov., sp. nov. The type strain of the type species is DKE6 ( = DSM 24874 = JCM 17596).


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