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A novel bacterium, designated strain F051-1, isolated from a seawater sample collected from the coast at Damupo beach in Pohang, Korea, was investigated in a polyphasic taxonomic study. Cells were yellow-pigmented, strictly aerobic, Gram-staining-negative and rod-shaped. The temperature, pH and NaCl ranges for growth were 4–30 °C, pH 6.0–9.0 and 1.0–6.0 % (w/v), respectively. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences indicated that strain F051-1 belongs to the genus in the family Its closest relatives were ACAM 188 (96.8 % 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity) and KOPRI 13649 (95.7 %). The major cellular fatty acids were iso-C, iso-C G and anteiso-C. The polar lipid profile consisted of a mixture of phosphatidylethanolamine, two unidentified aminolipids, one unidentified phospholipid and eight unidentified lipids. The major respiratory quinone was menaquinone-6 and the genomic DNA G+C content of the strain was 33.5 mol%. On the basis of phenotypic, phylogenetic and genotypic data, strain F051-1 represents a novel species within the genus , for which the name sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is F051-1 ( = KCTC 23539  = JCM 17632).

This study was supported by the:
  • 21C Frontier Microbial Genomics and Applications Centre Program, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Korea

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