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16S rRNA gene sequences deposited for the type strains of (CTT-37; GenBank accession no. AB445007) and (DSW-2; FM995611) show a similarity of 100 %. Consequently, the type strains were subjected to a polyphasic recharacterization under direct comparison in order to clarify their taxonomic position. II RiboPrint patterns and quantitative ratios of cellular fatty acids revealed strain-specific differences between DSM 21750 ( = CTT-37) and DSM 22126 ( = DSW-2). The percentage of DNA–DNA binding of 94 % indicated that the two type strains belong to the same genomospecies. Agreement in the peptidoglycan structure and polar lipid pattern, highly similar fatty acid profiles and MALDI-TOF mass spectra, the ability to produce acid from the same carbon sources, corresponding enzymic activities and DNA G+C contents of 70.8±0.3 mol%, in addition to the consistent characteristics reported in the original descriptions, support the view that the two strains should be affiliated to the same species. According to Rules 38 and 42 of the , should be reclassified as later heterotypic synonym of , and the descriptions of the genus Khan 2009 and of Khan 2009 are emended accordingly.


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