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A myxobacterial strain, designated SYR-2, was obtained from a mud sample from an estuarine marsh alongside the Yoshino River, Shikoku, Japan. It had rod-shaped vegetative cells and formed bacteriolytic enlarging colonies or so-called ‘swarms’ in the agar media. Fruiting-body-like globular to polyhedral cell aggregates and myxospore-like spherical to ellipsoidal cells within them were observed. Those features coincided with the general characteristics of myxobacteria. The strain was mesophilic and strictly aerobic. Growth of SYR-2 was observed at 18–40 °C (optimum, 30–35 °C), pH 5.5–8.3 (optimum, pH 7.0–7.5) and with 0.0–2.5 % (w/v) NaCl (optimum, 0.2–1.0 %). Both Mg and Ca were essential cations for the growth. The predominant fatty acids were iso-C (43.8 %), iso-C (22.4 %) and iso-C (9.6 %). A C fatty acid [arachidonic acid (4.3 %)], iso-C (1.5 %) and anteiso-acids [ai-C (0.5 %), ai-C (0.3 %)] were also detected. The G+C content of the DNA was 69.7 mol%. The strain contained menaquinone-7 (MK-7) as the major respiratory quinone. Phylogenetic analyses based on 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that strain SYR-2 belonged to the suborder , order in the class , and the strain was most closely related to two type strains of marine myxobacteria, SHK-1 and SIR-1, with 96.5 % and 96.0 % similarities, respectively. These characteristics determined in this polyphasic study suggested that strain SYR-2 represents a novel species in a new genus of myxobacteria. The name gen. nov., sp. nov. is proposed to accommodate this isolate, and the type strain of is SYR-2 ( = NBRC 104351 = DSM 21377).


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