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Five strains of a previously uncharacterized anamorphic, methanol-assimilating yeast species are described here, for which the name is proposed. The strains were isolated from fruit waste collected in markets in Brunei, Borneo. The sequences of the D1/D2 domains of the large subunit rRNA genes, the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions and the 18S rRNA genes were identical between the isolates and differed from the corresponding sequences of all previously described yeast species. Phylogenetic analysis of these sequences showed that the new species formed a cluster with species of the genus , the closest related species being (6 % nucleotide substitutions in the D1/D2 domain). The type strain, 11-487, has been deposited in the Centralbureau voor Schimmelcultures (Utrecht, The Netherlands) as CBS 12507, the Culture Collection of Yeasts (Bratislava, Slovakia) as CCY 29-182-1 and the National Collection of Agricultural and Industrial Microorganisms (Budapest, Hungary) as NCAIM Y.02008. Mycobank no. MB563710.

This study was supported by the:
  • Országos Tudományos Kutatási Alapprogramok (OTKA) (Award K81792)
  • Társadalmi Megújulás Operatív Program (TAMOP) (Award 4.2.1/B-09/1/KONV-2010-0007)

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