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Strains 1517 and 61D were characterized by phenotypic and molecular taxonomic methods. These Gram-positive lactic acid bacteria were homo-fermentative, facultatively anaerobic short rods. They were phylogenetically related to the genus according to 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, with 99 % similarity between strain 1517 and the type strain of , and 98.6, 98.5 and 98.4 % between strain 61D and , and , respectively. Multilocus sequence analysis and metabolic analysis of both strains showed variation between the two strains and their close relatives, with variation in the position of the and genes. The DNA–DNA relatedness of 43.5 % between strain 1517 and , and 38.6, 29.9 and 39.7 % between strain 61D and , and , respectively, confirmed their status as novel species. Based on phenotypic and genotypic characteristics, two novel species of are proposed: sp. nov., with 1517 ( = CRBIP 24.76 = DSM 23907) as the type strain, and sp. nov., with 61D ( = CRBIP 24.179 = DSM 23910) as the type strain.

This study was supported by the:
  • European Consortium of Microbial Resource Centers (EMbaRC)
  • European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7, 2007–2013), Research Infrastructures action (Award FP7-228310)

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