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Six strains with the typical characteristics of mycoplasmas were isolated from the tracheae of six Canarian Egyptian vultures (). The results of biochemical, serological and molecular genetic studies showed that the isolates were nearly identical and that they could be considered as representing a novel species of the genus . Colonies possessed the typical fried-egg appearance and electron micrographs revealed a pleomorphic cellular morphology with the lack of a cell wall. The isolates hydrolysed arginine and required sterol for growth but did not ferment glucose or hydrolyse urea. We propose that the isolates be assigned to a novel species, sp. nov. The type strain is G.A. ( = DSM 24097 = ATCC BAA-2157). The antiserum of strain G.A. has been deposited in the collection at Purdue University (Indiana, USA).

This study was supported by the:
  • Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia Proyecto (Award AGL2006-13743/GAN)
  • Animal Health and Veterinary Laboratories Agency, Weybridge, UK
  • Institut Mediterrani d’Estudis Avançats CSIC-UIB, Spain
  • Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Award Consolider Ingenio 2010 CE-CSD2007-0005, CLG2009_12651-C02-02 and CLG2009_12651-C02-01)

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