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A novel, facultatively anaerobic bacterium (strain JAM-BA0501) was isolated from a deep subseafloor sediment sample at a depth of 247 m below seafloor off the Shimokita Peninsula of Japan in the north-western Pacific Ocean (Site C9001, 1180 m water depth). Cells of strain JAM-BA0501 were Gram-negative, filamentous, non-spore-forming and motile on solid medium by gliding. Phylogenetic analysis based on the 16S rRNA gene sequence of strain JAM-BA0501 indicated a distant relationship to strains representing genera within the order , such as Z-7010 (91.1 % similarity), ATCC 19041 (86.2 %) and Fru22 (89.3 %). The new isolate produced isoprenoid quinones with menaquinone MK-7 as the major component, and the predominant fatty acids were iso-C and anteiso-C. The DNA G+C content of the isolate was 42.9 mol%. Based on its taxonomic distinctiveness, strain JAM-BA0501 is considered to represent a novel species of a new genus within the family , for which the name gen. nov., sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain of is JAM-BA0501 ( = JCM 15548  = NCIMB 14482).


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