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A Gram-stain-positive, non-spore-forming bacterium (GW5-5797) was isolated on soil extract agar from sand collected at a depth of 5 m in the Caribbean Sea near Grenada. 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis and similarity studies showed that strain GW5-5797 belongs to the genus , and is most closely related to N2-11 (99.2 % similarity) and 04-5195 (99.2 %) and more distantly related to 202GMO (98.6 %) and other species. Strain GW5-5797 could be distinguished from all other recognized species by sequence similarity values less than 98.5 %. The peptidoglycan diamino acid was -diaminopimelic acid. Strain GW5-5797 exhibited a quinone system with the predominant compounds MK-8(Hω-cyclo) and MK-8(H). The polar lipid profile of GW5-5797 consisted of the major compounds diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylethanolamine and an unidentified glycolipid, moderate amounts of phosphatidylinositol and a phosphatidylinositol mannoside and minor amounts of several lipids including a second phosphatidylinositol mannoside. The polyamine pattern contained the major compound spermine and moderate amounts of spermidine. The major fatty acids were C Cω9 and 10-methyl C. These chemotaxonomic traits are in excellent agreement with those of other species. The results of DNA–DNA hybridizations and physiological and biochemical tests allowed genotypic and phenotypic differentiation of strain GW5-5797 from the most closely related species, showing 16S rRNA gene sequence similarities >98.5 %. Strain GW5-5797 therefore merits separate species status, and we propose the name sp. nov., with the type strain GW5-5797 ( = CCUG 60970  = CIP 110294).


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