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A phosphate-solubilizing bacterial strain designated OK2 was isolated from rhizospheric soil of grasses growing spontaneously in a soil from Spain. Cells of the strain were Gram-negative, strictly aerobic, rod-shaped and motile. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene indicated that this bacterium belongs to the -subclass of within the genus and that the closest related species is . The strain produced catalase but not oxidase. Cellulose, casein, starch, gelatin and urea were not hydrolysed. Aesculin was hydrolysed. Growth was observed with many carbohydrates as carbon sources. The main non-polar fatty acids detected were hexadecenoic acid (16 : 1), hexadecanoic acid (16 : 0) and octadecenoic acid (18 : 1). The hydroxy fatty acids detected were 3-hydroxydecanoic acid (3-OH 10 : 0), 3-hydroxydodecanoic acid (3-OH 12 : 0) and 2-hydroxydodecanoic acid (2-OH 12 : 0). The G+C DNA content determined was 59·3 mol%. DNA–DNA hybridization showed 48·7 % relatedness between strain OK2 and DSM 11363 and 26·2 % with respect to LMG 21640. Therefore, these results indicate that strain OK2 (=LMG 21974=CECT 5822) belongs to a novel species of the genus , and the name sp. nov. is proposed.


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