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Four marine, phototrophic, purple sulfur bacteria (strains 5811, 5812, BM-3 and BS-1) were isolated in pure culture from different brackish to marine sediments in the Mediterranean Sea, the White Sea and the Black Sea. Single cells of these strains were coccus-shaped, non-motile and did not contain gas vesicles. The colour of cell suspensions that were grown in the light was purple–red. Bacteriochlorophyll and carotenoids of the okenone series were present as photosynthetic pigments. Photosynthetic membrane systems were of the vesicular type. Hydrogen sulfide, thiosulfate, elemental sulfur and molecular hydrogen were used as electron donors during photolithotrophic growth under anoxic conditions; carbon dioxide was utilized as the carbon source. During growth on sulfide, elemental sulfur globules were stored inside the cells. In the presence of hydrogen sulfide, several organic substances could be photoassimilated. Comparative 16S rDNA sequence analysis revealed an affiliation of these four strains to the genus . Both phylogenetic analysis and the results of DNA–DNA hybridization studies revealed that these strains formed a separate cluster within the genus . Thus, according to phenotypic characteristics and mainly the carotenoid composition, 16S rDNA sequence analysis and DNA–DNA hybridization data, it is proposed that these strains should be classified as a novel species, sp. nov., with strain 5811 (=DSM 5653=ATCC 43172) as the type strain.


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