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Two actinomycete strains, DSA1 and HD9, were isolated from a potato tuber and soil from a potato-cultivating field in Jeju, Korea, respectively. A comprehensive 16S rDNA analysis revealed that the isolates belong to the genus and share 97·7–98·6 % sequence similarity to species. The strains also contained typical chemotaxonomic markers of the genus : -diaminopimelic acid, alanine, glycine and glutamic acid in the cell wall peptidoglycan; mannose, glucose, galactose and ribose as whole cell sugars; diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylinositol as characteristic phospholipids; and the major menaquinone MK-9 (H). DNA–DNA hybridization experiments showed that the isolates represented two distinct genomic species. A number of phenotypic properties can be used to differentiate the two isolates from species. On the basis of polyphasic evidence, two novel species are proposed: sp. nov. for strain DSA1 (=KACC 20196=JCM 12205) and sp. nov. for strain HD9 (=KACC 20266=JCM 12204).


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