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A moderately thermophilic and alkaliphilic bacillus, which had been reported and designated BLx ( Haruta ., 2002 ), was isolated from a semi-continuous decomposing system of kitchen refuse. Cells of strain BLx were strictly aerobic, rod-shaped, motile and spore forming. The optimum temperature and pH for growth were approximately 50 °C and pH 8–9. Strain BLx was able to grow at NaCl concentrations from 0·5 to 7·5 %, with optimum growth at 0·5 % NaCl. The predominant menaquinone was MK-7, and the major fatty acid was iso-C. Phylogenetic analysis showed that strain BLx was positioned in an independent lineage within the cluster that includes the genera and in rRNA group 1. Strain BLx exhibited 16S rDNA similarity of 92·8–94·8 % to species and 92·3 % to . Phenotypic, chemotaxonomic and phylogenetic analyses supported the classification of strain BLx in a novel genus and species. gen. nov., sp. nov. is proposed on the basis of phenotypic, chemotaxonomic and phylogenetic data. The type strain is BLx (DSM 15825=IAM15044=KCTC 3815).


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