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Two strictly aerobic, halophilic strains of the -, designated JC2042 and JC2043, were obtained from a sediment sample of getbol, the Korean tidal flat. Comparative 16S rDNA sequence studies revealed that the test strains were related most closely to the type strains of the genera (93·5–95·5 %) and (91·1–93·3 %). Phylogenetic analyses demonstrated that strains JC2042 and JC2043 formed a distinct monophyletic clade within the family and clustered distantly with the genera and . Physiological, biochemical and chemotaxonomic data also indicated that the two getbol isolates were significantly different from members of these two genera and others with validly published names. Cells were rod-shaped and motile with a polar flagellum. The major isoprenoid quinone was Q8. The predominant cellular fatty acids were C, C 7 and a mixture of C 7 and iso-C 2-OH. DNA G+C contents were 48–54 mol%. On the basis of this polyphasic study, gen. nov. is proposed with two novel species, sp. nov. (type strain, JC2042=IMSNU 14006=KCTC 12042=DSM 15300) and sp. nov. (type strain, JC2043=IMSNU 14007=KCTC 12043=DSM 15266). is the type species of the genus. In addition, an emended description of is proposed.


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