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Comparative 16S rDNA studies on six strains of actinomycete isolated from clinical specimens revealed that they belong to the genus and are closely related to , , , and . However, the novel organisms consistently formed a clade distinct from that of the five latter species. Determination of DNA–DNA relatedness indicated that these strains could be classified under three novel species. Based on their phenotypic and phylogenetic characters, three novel species of the genus are established: sp. nov. for IFM 0092 (=NBRC 100128=JCM 11891=DSM 44667), sp. nov. for IFM 0265 (=NBRC 100130=JCM 11893=DSM 44669) and sp. nov. for IFM 0330 (=NBRC 100131=JCM 11894=DSM 44670), IFM 0260, IFM 0636 and IFM 0833.


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