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The isolation and identification of a novel, slow-growing, scotochromogenic, mycobacterial species is reported. A strain, designated MUP 1182, was isolated from a cervical lymph node of a 3-year-old child. MUP 1182 is alcohol- and acid-fast, with a lipid pattern that is consistent with those of species that belong to the genus . It grows slowly at 25–37 °C, but does not grow at 42 °C. The isolate was revealed to be biochemically distinct from previously described mycobacterial species: it has urease and Tween hydrolysis activities and lacks nitrate reductase, 3-day arylsulfatase and -glucosidase activities. Comparative 16S rDNA sequencing showed that isolate MUP 1182 represents a novel, slow-growing species that is related closely to and . On the basis of these findings, the name sp. nov. is proposed, with MUP 1182 (=CIP 107385=DSM 44553) as the type strain.


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