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A novel marine sulfate-reducing bacterium, strain CV2803, which is able to oxidize aliphatic hydrocarbons, was isolated from a hydrocarbon-polluted marine sediment (Gulf of Fos, France). The cells were rod-shaped and slightly curved, measuring 0·6×2·2–5·5 μm. Strain CV2803 stained Gram-negative and was non-motile and non-spore-forming. Optimum growth occurred in the presence of 24 g NaCl l, at pH 7·5 and at a temperature between 28 and 35 °C. Strain CV2803 oxidized alkanes (from C to C) and alkenes (from C to C). The DNA G+C content was 41·4 mol%. Comparative sequence analyses of the 16S rRNA gene and dissimilatory sulfite reductase () gene and those of other sulfate-reducing bacteria, together with its phenotypic properties, indicated that strain CV2803 was a member of a distinct cluster that contained unnamed species. Therefore, strain CV2803 (=DSM 15576=ATCC BAA-743) is proposed as the type strain of a novel species in a new genus, gen. nov., sp. nov.


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