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Two Gram-positive or -variable, endospore-forming, slightly halophilic strains (SW-72 and SW-93) were isolated from sea water of the East Sea and the Yellow Sea in Korea, respectively, and subjected to polyphasic taxonomic study. Both strains had cell-wall peptidoglycan that was based on -diaminopimelic acid and MK-7 as the predominant menaquinone. The two strains contained large amounts of saturated and branched fatty acids, with anteiso-C as the major fatty acid. The DNA G+C contents of strains SW-72 and SW-93 were 40·9 and 41·0 mol%, respectively. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rDNA sequences showed that strains SW-72 and SW-93 fall within the radiation of the cluster that comprises members of the genus , particularly rRNA group 6. There were five nucleotide differences between the 16S rDNA sequences of strains SW-72 and SW-93. The mean level of DNA–DNA relatedness between strains SW-72 and SW-93 was 21·5 %. Strains SW-72 and SW-93 showed 93·1–95·2 % 16S rDNA sequence similarity to the type strains of species that are assigned to rRNA group 6. Strains SW-72 and SW-93 could not be differentiated clearly by using their phenotypic properties. On the basis of phenotypic properties, phylogeny and genomic data, it is proposed that strain SW-72 (=KCCM 41641=JCM 11807) should be placed in the genus as the type strain of a novel species, sp. nov., and that strain SW-93 (=KCCM 41640=JCM 11806) should be placed in the genus as an unnamed genomospecies.


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