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Thirteen bacterial isolates from root nodules of soybean grown in saline-alkaline soils in the Chinese province of Hebei were identified as a unique group in the genus based upon BOX-PCR patterns, sequencing analyses of 16S rRNA and housekeeping genes and DNA–DNA hybridization. Phenotypically, positive tests for acid production and negative results for reduction in litmus milk and sensitivity to 50 µg ampicillin ml, as well as some other features, could differentiate the novel group from defined species of the group. The novel group had symbiotic gene sequences ( and ) that were identical or very similar to those of () , and formed effective nodules with (soybean), and . Based upon the consensus of these analyses, a novel species, sp. nov., is proposed, with CCBAU 05684 ( = LMG 25493  = HAMBI 3098) as the type strain. The DNA G+C content of strain CCBAU 05684 was 60.9 mol% ( ).

This study was supported by the:
  • Foundation of the State Key Basic Research and Development Plan of China (Award 2010CB126500)
  • National Natural Science Foundation of China (Award 30970004)
  • Agricultural Scientific Achievement Transformation of Ministry of Science and Technology (Award 2008GB23600460)
  • Innovative Project of SKLAB (Award 2009SKLAB05-1)
  • ICyT D.F. (Award PICS08-3)
  • IPN, México (Award 20100067 and SIP20090179)

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