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Two marine stichotrich ciliates, spec. nov. and (Lin & Song, 2004) Xu , 2006, isolated from the Shenzhen Mangrove Protection Area on the coast of the South China Sea, were investigated using live observation and protargol impregnation techniques. is characterized by its elongate body shape, yellowish body colour and bright-yellow cortical granules that are either grouped around the cirri and the dorsal cilia or aligned between the rows of cirri and dorsal cilia. It has four to eight frontal, two frontoterminal, one buccal and seven to ten transverse cirri, a mid-ventral complex comprising 13–17 midventral cirral pairs in a row that extends about three-fifths of the body length, four left and three right marginal rows and three complete dorsal kineties. The small subunit rRNA gene of this species was sequenced and phylogenetic trees were constructed in which does not group with its congeners, suggesting that the genus is paraphyletic. Some supplementary morphological and morphogenetic traits for are also documented.

This study was supported by the:
  • Natural Science Foundation of China (Award 40976075)
  • Marie Curie Incoming International Fellowship within the 7th European Community Framework Programme
  • Royal Society Joint Projects programme
  • Center of Excellence in Biodiversity, King Saud University

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