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A Gram-positive, moderately halophilic and endospore-forming bacterium, designated strain 18OM, was isolated from salted animal hides. The cells were rods and produced ellipsoidal endospores at a terminal position. Strain 18OM was motile, strictly aerobic and grew at 0.5–25 % (w/v) NaCl [optimal growth at 10 % (w/v) NaCl], at between pH 5.0 and 9.0 (optimal growth at pH 7.5) and at temperatures between 15 and 45 °C (optimal growth at 37 °C). Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequence comparisons showed that strain 18OM was closely related to species of the genus within the phylum . The closest phylogenetic similarity was with G-19.1 (98.4 %), HS286 (97.9 %) and AD-1 (97.4 %). The major cellular fatty acids were anteiso-C (57.9 %), anteiso-C (14.0 %), iso-C (10.8 %) and iso-C (8.1 %). The respiratory isoprenoid quinones were MK-7 (98.5 %) and MK-6 (1.5 %). The DNA G+C content was 42.9 mol%. These features confirmed the placement of strain 18OM within the genus . The DNA–DNA hybridization values between strain 18OM and G-19.1, HS286 and AD-1 were 49 %, 9 % and 15 %, respectively, showing unequivocally that strain 18OM constituted a novel genospecies. On the basis of phylogenetic analysis and phenotypic, genotypic and chemotaxonomic characteristics, strain 18OM is considered to represent a novel species of the genus , for which the name sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is 18OM ( = CECT 7566 = DSM 22784 = JCM 16412).

This study was supported by the:
  • Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Award BIO2009-10138)
  • National Science Foundation (Award DEB-0919290)
  • Junta de Andalucía (Award P06-CVI-01829)

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