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The species currently includes three subspecies; subsp. and subsp. , isolated from milk sources, and subsp. , isolated from the leafhopper . In this study, three strains, designated L105, I3 and L101, were isolated from the intestinal mucus of brown trout () and rainbow trout (). These strains were closely related to members of the species . Strain L105 showed 99.4 % 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity to that of the type strains subsp. NCDO 604 and subsp. NCDO 2181 and showed 99.9 % similarity to the type strain subsp. NCDO 607. Analysis of two housekeeping genes, and , confirmed the close relationship between the novel strains and subsp. with similarities of 99.3 and 99.7 %, respectively. The three strains could, however, be differentiated from their closest relatives on the basis of several phenotypic characteristics, as was the case for subsp. and subsp. , which were also closely related on the basis of 16S rRNA, and gene sequence similarities. The strains isolated in this study represent a new subspecies, for which the name subsp. subsp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is L105 ( = LMG 24662  = DSM 21502).

This study was supported by the:
  • Spanish Government
  • Government of Aragón

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