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Seven strains of the genus were obtained from natural thermal sulfide (strains D-501, D-502, D-504, D-505 and D-507) and low-temperature ferrous (strain HS) springs and from an activated sludge system (strain D-380). These isolates and strainsof obtained from the DSMZ ( DSM 6575, DSM 565 and DSM 566) were studied using a polyphasic taxonomic approach. All strains had Q-8 as the major quinone and Cω7, C and Cω7 as the major fatty acids. The DNA–DNA hybridization results and 16S rRNA, and gene sequencing experiments showed that isolates D-501, D-502, D-504, D-505, D-507 and D-380 were closely related to the type strain of DSM 6575. However, strains D-501, D-502, D-504, D-505 and D-507 significantly differed from the heterotrophic strain DSM 6575 by their capability for lithotrophic growth with reduced sulfur compounds as an electron donor for energy conservation and some other phenotypic features. For this reason, strains D-501, D-502, D-504, D-505 and D-507 merit a separate taxonomic classification at the subspecies level. The name subsp. subsp. nov. (type strain D-501 = DSM 22545 = VKM B-2573) is proposed. The subspecies subsp. natans subsp. nov. is automatically created as a result of this proposal. Strain D-380 was phenotypically closely related to DSM 6575. Strains D-380 and DSM 6575 were assigned to the subspecies subsp. subsp. nov. (type strain DSM 6575 = ATCC 13338). The 16S rRNA, and gene sequences obtained for strains HS and DSM 565 showed very low sequence similarity values of 97.3 %, 89.7 % and 88.4 %, respectively, with DSM 6575. Strain HS shared 99 % DNA–DNA relatedness with strain

DSM 565 and 48 % with DSM 6575. The 16S rRNA, and gene sequence similarities between strain DSM 566 and DSM 6575 were 97.5 %, 91.5 % and 87.0 %, respectively. Strain DSM 566 had 52 % DNA–DNA relatedness to DSM 6575 and shared 44 % DNA–DNA similarity with strain HS. The creation of two novel species is proposed, sp. nov. for strains HS and DSM 565 (type strain HS = DSM 21226 = VKM B-2519) and sp. nov. for strain DSM 566 (type strain DSM 566 = ATCC 29330). Emended descriptions of the genus and of are presented

This study was supported by the:
  • Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research (Award 05-04-48299)
  • Program of Presidium of Russian Academy of Sciences ‘Molecular and Cell Biology’ (Award 07-04-00651)

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