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sp. nov. (KU-3) was isolated from raw fermented sausages. The new species was present in high numbers, and frequently dominated the lactic acid bacteria (LAB) populations of the products. 16S rDNA sequence data revealed that the isolates are closely related to the species DSM 13961, DSM 13238, DSM 20249 and DSM 20184. DNA–DNA reassociation data, however, clearly distinguished the new isolates from these species; they showed a low degree of DNA relatedness with the type strains of this group of phylogenetically closely related lactobacilli. These results warrant separate species status for strain KU-3, for which the name sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is KU-3 (=DSM 14857 =NCCB 100034 =ATCC BAA-478).


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