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Various bacterial species in the genus have great potential as biocontrol agents against plant-parasitic nematodes, although study of this important genus is hampered by the current inability to cultivate species outside their host. To aid in the study of this genus, an extensive 16S rRNA gene sequence phylogeny was constructed and this information was used to develop cultivation-independent methods for detection of in soils and nematodes. Thirty new clones of 16S rRNA genes were obtained directly from nematodes and soil samples. These were sequenced and used to construct an extensive phylogeny of this genus. These sequences were divided into two deeply branching clades within the low-G+C, Gram-positive division; some sequences appear to represent novel species within the genus . In addition, a surprising degree of 16S rRNA gene sequence diversity was observed within what had previously been designated a single strain of (P-20). PCR primers specific to 16S rRNA for detection of in soils were also designed and evaluated. Detection limits for soil DNA were 100–10 000 endospores (g soil).


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