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A novel heterotrophic, yellow-orange-pigmented, non-motile, asporogenic, strictly aerobic, Gram-negative, oxidase and catalase-positive bacterium KMM 3516 was isolated from the holothurian collected from Troitsa Bay in the Gulf of Peter the Great (Sea of Japan) during November 1997. 16S rDNA sequence analysis revealed that strain KMM 3516 was a member of the family . The DNA G+C content of KMM 3516 was 41·3 mol%. Major respiratory quinone was MK-6. Predominant fatty acids were i15 : 0 and 15 : 0 (68·8 and 8·4 %, respectively). On the basis of phenotypic, chemotaxonomic, genotypic and phylogenetic characteristics, the novel bacterium has been designated gen. nov., sp. nov. The type strain is KMM 3516 (=NBRC 16718).


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