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Three actinomycetal strains, designated YIM 90479, YIM 90480 and YIM 90600, were isolated from a salt field in Xinjiang province, North-west China and subjected to polyphasic taxonomic study. All three strains were moderately halophilic and were able to grow on agar at NaCl concentrations of up to 20–25 % (w/v). No growth was observed in the absence of NaCl. Good growth occurred at 37 °C and 15 % (w/v) NaCl. The cell walls of the three strains were of the type IV variety and their phospholipid patterns were type PIII. MK-9 (H) and MK-10 (H) or MK-9 (H) and MK-9 (H) were the predominant menaquinones. iso-C and anteiso-C or anteiso-C and anteiso-C were the major fatty acids. The G+C contents of the genomic DNA were 66.4–68.3 mol%. Based on differential phenotypic, chemotaxonomic and phylogenetic characteristics and the results of DNA–DNA hybridization tests, the three novel stains represent two novel species, for which the names sp. nov. and sp. nov. are proposed. The type strains of the species are YIM 90480 ( = DSM 45004  = KCTC 19119) and YIM 90600 ( = CCTCC M 208247  = KCTC 19372). In addition, we propose that (Ruan , 1994) be transferred to the genus as a heterotypic synonym of based on present research results.

This study was supported by the:
  • National Basic Research Program of China (Award 2010CB833800)
  • 973 Pre-research Program of China (Award 2008CB417214)
  • National Natural Science Foundation of China (Award 30870005 and 30860002)
  • Key Project of International Cooperation (Award 2007DFB31620)
  • International Cooperation Research Program of Yunnan Province (Award 2009AC017)
  • Yunnan Provincial Natural Science Foundation (Award 2007C167M)

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