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A 600 bp partial gene sequence has been described previously as a novel genetic marker for species identification and phylogenetic studies within the genus . In the present study, the 600 bp partial gene sequences of 40 validly described species and subspecies and four species were PCR-amplified and sequenced. Phylogenetic analysis revealed excellent concordance between the unrooted dendrograms based on partial and 16S rRNA gene sequences. The genus is clearly separated from the genus , but is closely related to the ‘ group’, the only staphylococci that are cytochrome oxidase-positive. The remaining species clustered into five broad-based subdivisions, which corresponded to the ‘ group’, the ‘ group’, the ‘ group’, the ‘ group’ and the ‘ group’. These results agreed remarkably well with the current taxonomy of this diverse family, which is based on classical phenotypic and biochemical testing. Furthermore, pairwise sequence comparisons indicated that the gene is more divergent and more discriminatory than the 16S rRNA gene for species differentiation among strains of the genera and . It is concluded that the gene may be an efficient alternative target for taxonomic and phylogenetic studies on members of these genera.


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