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Genotypic fingerprinting to analyse the bacterial flora of an industrial sourdough revealed a coherent group of strains which could not be associated with a valid species. Comparative 16S rDNA sequence analysis showed that these strains formed a homogeneous cluster distinct from their closest relatives, , and . To characterize them further, physiological (sugar fermentation, formation of -lactate, hydrolysis of arginine, growth temperature, CO production) and chemotaxonomic properties have been determined. The DNA G+C content was 37·5±0·2 mol%. The peptidoglycan was of the lysine–-iso-asparagine (-Lys–-Asp) type. The strains were homofermentative, Gram-positive, catalase-negative, non-spore-forming, non-motile rods. They were found as a major stable component of a rye flour sourdough fermentation. Physiological, biochemical as well as genotypic data suggested them to be a new species of the genus . This was confirmed by DNA–DNA hybridization of genomic DNA, and the name is proposed. The type strain of this species is DSM 14500 (=LMG 21508).


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