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Two bacterial strains, designated Sa 1147-06 and Sa 1143-06, were isolated from Atlantic salmon () farmed in Lake Chapo, Chile, and were studied using a polyphasic approach. Both isolates were very similar; cells were rod-shaped, formed yellow-pigmented colonies and were Gram-reaction-negative. Based on 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, strains Sa 1147-06 and Sa 1143-06 shared 100 % sequence similarity and showed 98.9 and 97.5 % sequence similarity to AT1047 and AT1013, respectively. Sequence similarities to all other members of the genus were below 97.3 %. The major fatty acids of strain Sa 1147-06 were iso-C, iso-C, anteiso-C and iso-C 9, with iso-C 3-OH, iso-C 3-OH and iso-C 3-OH constituting the major hydroxylated fatty acids. DNA–DNA hybridizations with JMSNU 14049 and JMNSU 14040 gave relatedness values of 20.7 % (reciprocal 15.1 %) and 15.7 % (reciprocal 25.7 %), respectively. Together, the DNA–DNA hybridization results and differentiating biochemical properties showed that strains Sa 1147-06 and Sa 1143-06 represent a novel species, for which the name sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is Sa 1147-06 (=DSM 23145 =CCM 7737).


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