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Twenty-one homofermentative lactic acid bacteria were isolated from fermented cummingcordia (pobuzihi), a traditional food in Taiwan. The isolates had identical 16S rRNA gene sequences that were distinct from those of other lactobacilli, and their closest neighbours in the 16S rRNA gene sequence phylogenetic tree were strains of . Levels of DNA–DNA relatedness between representative pobuzihi isolates and strains of were 17 % and below. Furthermore, the new isolates could be differentiated clearly from NBRC 102163 and NBRC 102164 in terms of acid production from -arabinose, rhamnose, mannitol, lactose and 5-ketogluconate. It was concluded that the new isolates represent a single novel species of the genus , for which the name sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is E100301 (=RIFY 6501 =NBRC 103219 =KCTC 13174).


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