
Most eugregarine apicomplexans infecting the intestines of marine invertebrates have been described within the family Lecudinidae and the type genus . The diversity of these parasites is vast and poorly understood and only a tiny number of species has been characterized at the molecular phylogenetic level. DNA sequences coupled with high-resolution micrographs of trophozoites provide an efficient and precise approach for delimiting gregarine lineages from one another and also facilitate our overall understanding of gregarine biodiversity. In this study, phylogenetic analyses of small subunit (SSU) rDNA sequences from five (uncultivated) gregarines isolated from polychaetes and nemerteans in the North-eastern Pacific Ocean are presented. sp. nov. was isolated from the intestines of the parchment tubeworm (Polychaeta). and were both isolated from the intestines of (Polychaeta). sp. nov. was isolated from the nemertean and sp. nov. was isolated from the nemertean . This is the first report of molecular sequence data from gregarines that infect nemerteans. The two novel species of the genus described in this study formed a strongly supported clade in the phylogenetic analyses. This clade formed the sister group to a robust subclade of lecudinids consisting of , sp. nov. (which lacked epicytic folds), , species of the genus and several sequences derived from previous environmental DNA surveys of marine biodiversity.


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