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Two actinomycete strains, CM2-8 and CM2-12, were isolated from temperate peat swamp forest soil in Chiang Mai Province, Thailand. Their taxonomic positions were determined using a polyphasic approach. Chemotaxonomic characteristics of these strains coincided with those of the family , i.e. cell wall chemotype II, -glycolyl type of muramic acid, and type II phospholipids. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequence data also indicated that these strains fell within the family and formed a distinct taxon in the phylogenetic tree. On the basis of phylogenetic analysis, characteristic patterns of 16S rRNA gene signature nucleotides and chemotaxonomic data, it is proposed that the novel isolates belong to a new genus, gen. nov. The type species of the genus is proposed as sp. nov., with strain CM2-8 (=JCM 15677=BCC 34762) as the type strain.


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