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A polyphasic taxonomic study, using phenotypic, phylogenetic and genotypic characterization, was performed on five Gram-stain-positive, catalase-negative, coccus-shaped -like bacteria isolated from the spoilage microbiota of cooked shrimp. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis indicated that the isolates belonged to the genus . The five isolates shared 100% 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity, and representative strain CD276 formed a branch that was distinct from the type strains of the six recognized species of the genus ( CCUG 32704, NCFB 2777, CCUG 39187, M2661/98/1, ATCC BAA-340 and PPC9). The taxonomic position of strain CD276 was clarified using DNA–DNA hybridization, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis of whole-genome DNA, G+C content determination, cell-wall peptidoglycan typing, fatty acid analysis and biochemical characterization. On the basis of this evidence, a novel species, sp. nov., is proposed. The type strain is CD276 (=LMG 24833 =CIP 109914).


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