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A novel obligately organotrophic, facultatively microaerophilic spirillum, designated strain D-427, was isolated from sulfidic sludge of a municipal wastewater-treatment plant. Cells were Gram-negative, large and highly motile due to bipolar tufts of flagella covered with mucous sheaths. Coccoid cells were sometimes formed. Strain D-427 grew optimally at pH 7.5–7.8 and 28 °C in the presence of 2 % O in the gas phase. The organism showed oxidase and very low catalase activity. The isolate grew chemo-organotrophically with a limited number of organic acids as substrates. The DNA G+C content was 38.0 mol% ( ). Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequence placed strain D-427 in the genus within the class . The 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity between strain D-427 and ATCC 19554, the type strain of the single species of the genus, was 98.6 %. The low level of DNA–DNA hybridization and different phenotypic properties indicate that strain D-427 is clearly distinguishable from . No strain of is available from any established culture collection or from the authors who described this species. Therefore, on the basis of phenotypic and genotypic data and the fact that the type and single species of the genus cannot be included in any scientific study, since the type strain has been lost, we propose to assign strain D-427 as a novel species of the genus , sp. nov. (type strain D-427 =DSM 12756 =VKM B-2518), and we request that the Judicial Commission place the name on the list of rejected names if a suitable type strain is not found or a neotype is not proposed within 2 years following the publication of this paper. An emended description of the genus is also provided.


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vol. , part 11, pp. 2916 - 2920

(a, b) Phase-contrast micrographs showing morphology of strain D-427 with coccoid bodies in the stationary growth phase (a) and the accumulation of elemental sulfur in cells grown on MPSS medium with FeS (b). Bar, 7 µm. (c, d) Transmission electron micrographs of strain D-427 showing sheathed flagella arranged in tufts (c) (whole-cell preparation stained with 1 % ammonium molybdate; bar, 1 µm) and the ultrastructure, with capsules of a polysaccharide nature stained with ruthenium red (d) (bar, 4 µm).

Cellular fatty acid composition of strain D-427

Values are percentages of total fatty acids. a, Anteiso-branched; i, iso-branched.

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