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An orange-pigmented, non-motile, coccoid bacterial strain, designated TR0125, was isolated from dust samples collected in the high atmosphere above Japan. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that the strain was within the radiation of species. The major peptidoglycan amino acids were -glutamic acid, glycine, -alanine, -alanine and ornithine. The predominant fatty acids were iso-C, iso-C 9 and iso-C. Strong resistance to desiccation, UV-C and gamma radiation and high DNA G+C content also supported the affiliation of strain TR0125 to the genus . Strain TR0125 showed the highest 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity value (95.7 %) to the type strain of , and phylogenetic analysis showed that it was further separated from than from , indicating that strain TR0125 was not a member of these two species. In addition, phenotypic differences were found between strain TR0125 and the type strains of these two species. Therefore, a novel species of the genus , sp. nov. (type strain, TR0125=JCM 11750=DSM 21212), is proposed to accommodate this isolate.


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Differential characteristics of strain TR0125 ( sp. nov.) and type strains of the most closely related species. [PDF](18 KB)


Fatty acid compositions of strain TR0125 ( sp. nov.) and type strains of the most closely related species. [PDF](45 KB)

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