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The number of bacterial phyla has greatly increased in the past decade. Among them, a candidate division named ‘’ was proposed in a phylogenetic study on the global diversity of bacteria. We previously described the genus and suggested that it belonged to this not yet well-delineated candidate phylum. 16S rRNA gene based-phylogeny studies were conducted using four reconstruction methods and 599 sequences forming five datasets were used in an alternative treeing approach. These analyses indicated that the genera , , , , , , , and should be grouped in the same high-level taxon. This taxon was shown to be a phylum-rank lineage in the domain and, because of the prior use of the name for a genus, the name ‘’ is proposed for this candidate phylum. We also propose an emended delineation of the phylum ‘’, which is now only represented by the family . The emended family is limited to the genera , , and .


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ML 16S rRNA gene-based phylogenetic trees reconstructed from the five datasets described in Supplementary Table S1. [PDF](653 KB)


Composition of the datasets. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are the five datasets. (+) indicates that a sequence is a member of the corresponding dataset. [excel]

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