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Strains of aerobic, Gram-positive, rod-shaped, round-spore-forming bacteria were isolated from different geographical locations and a subsequent polyphasic study was undertaken to clarify the taxonomic position of the round-spore-forming isolates strain KSC-SF6g, strain M32 and strain NBRC 12622. 16S rRNA gene sequence similarities demonstrated that these strains were most closely affiliated with NRRL NRS-1691 (98 %), with species of (96 %) and (94–96 %) as the next nearest relatives. However, while DNA–DNA hybridization studies showed approx. 70 % reassociation among strains KSC-SF6g, M32 and NBRC 12622, DNA–DNA hybridization values between these strains and NRRL NRS-1691 never exceeded 13 %. Differences in the molecular structure of the cell-wall peptidoglycan could not differentiate these strains sufficiently from other closely related genera ( and ). However, Lys–Asp was present in strains KSC-SF6g, M32 and NBRC 12622, whereas -Lys–-Glu was reported in NRRL NRS-1691. The menaquinone MK-7 was dominant in strains KSC-SF6g, M32 and NBRC 12622 and members of the genus , whereas MK-8 was abundant in species. Strains KSC-SF6g, M32 and NBRC 12622 exhibited fatty acid profiles consisting of major amounts of anteiso-C (∼50 %) and iso-C (∼25 %) and moderate amounts of anteiso-C (∼7 %), which discriminated them from closely related NRRL NRS-1691 and species of (iso-C; 46–74 %). The authors propose that strains KSC-SF6g, M32 and NBRC 12622 and NRRL NRS-1691 be reclassified into a separate genus based on clear-cut differences in discriminative taxonomic markers and the distant placement of and the novel strains described herein from other species of this clade according to current 16S rRNA gene sequence-based relatedness (∼4 % difference in sequence). We propose the placement of these isolates into the novel genus gen. nov. For the new taxon comprising strains KSC-SF6g, M32 and NBRC 12622, we propose the name gen. nov., sp. nov. (the type species of ), represented by the type strain KSC-SF6g (=NRRL B-51320 =NBRC 104870). In addition, , which bears traits distinct from other round-spore-forming species [i.e. absence of growth at high NaCl (7 %), positive reaction for gelatin liquefaction], is reclassified as comb. nov. (type strain JCM 11075 =NRRL NRS-1691) based on phylogenetic affiliations and phenotypic characterization.


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vol. , part 5, pp. 1094 - 1099

Cellular fatty acid profiles of strains KSC-SF6g , M32 and NBRC 12622, NRRL NRS-1691 and the type strains of species. [PDF](20 KB)

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