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A Gram-positive, slightly acid–alcohol-fast, carbon monoxide-oxidizing bacterium, strain Y2, was isolated from a soil sample collected from a roadside in Seoul, Korea. On the basis of 16S rRNA gene sequence comparative analyses, strain Y2 was shown to belong to the genus and was most closely related to DSM 44234 (GenBank accession no. AY238514; 99.8 %). The predominant fatty acids were C 9 and C. The cell-wall peptidoglycan of strain Y2 contained -diaminopimelic acid as the diagnostic diamino acid. Strain Y2 contained galactose and arabinose as the whole cell sugars. The DNA G+C content was 77 mol%. The DNA–DNA relatedness value between strain Y2 and DSM 44234 was 62.7 %. Based on the combination of the carbon source utilization pattern, fatty acid profile, cell-wall chemotype, DNA G+C content and DNA–DNA hybridization experiments, it is proposed that strain Y2 (=KCCM 42885=JCM 15482) represents the type strain of a novel species, sp. nov.


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vol. , part 6, pp. 1541 - 1544

Comparison of the fatty acid contents (%) of strain Y2 with other closely related species of the genus . [ PDF] 44 KB

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